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65/9 Light Ball Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK509GBSES
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Groz Beckert 65/9 light point (FFG/SES) needle for commercial embroidery machines. 100 needle box.
65/9 Medium Ball Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK509GBSUK
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Groz Beckert 65/9 medium ball (FG/SUK) point needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100 needles.
65/9 Sharp Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK509GBRG
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Groz Beckert 65/9 sharp needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100 needles.
70/10 Light Ball Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK510GBSES
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Groz Beckert 70/10 light ball point (FFG/SES) needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
70/10 Medium Ball Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK510GBSUK
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Groz Beckert 70/10 medium ball point (FG/SUK) needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
70/10 Sharp Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK510GBRG
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Groz-Beckert 70/10 sharp point needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
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70/10 Sharp Point Titanium Groz-Beckert Needles with A Tapered Blade
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Groz Beckert 70/12 sharp point Titanium coated with tapered blade needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100. These are a special applic...
75/11 Light Ball Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK511GBSES
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Groz Beckert 75/11 light ball point (FFG/SES) needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
75/11 Light Ball Point Titanium Groz-Beckert Needles
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Groz Beckert 75/11 light ball point Titanium coated (FFG/SES) needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
75/11 Medium Ball Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK511GBSUK
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Groz Beckert 75/11 medium ball point (FG/SUK) needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
75/11 Sharp Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK511GBRG
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Groz Beckert 75/11 sharp point needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
75/11 Sharp Point Titanium Groz-Beckert Needles
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Groz Beckert 75/11 sharp point Titanium coated needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
75/11 Sharp Point Titanium Groz-Beckert Needles With a Tapered Blade
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Groz Beckert 75/11 sharp point Titanium coated with tapered blade needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100. These are a special applic...
80/12 Light Ball Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK512GBSES
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Groz Beckert 80/12 light ball point (FFG/SES) needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
80/12 Medium Ball Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK512GBSUK
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Groz Beckert 80/12 medium ball point (FG/SUK) needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
80/12 Sharp Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK512GBRG
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Groz Beckert 80/12 sharp point needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
80/12 Sharp Point Titanium Groz-Beckert Needles
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Groz Beckert 80/12 sharp point Titanium coated needle for commercial embroidery machine. Box of 100.
90/14 Medium Ball Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK514GBSUK
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Groz Beckert 90/14 medium ball point (FG/SUK) needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
90/14 Sharp Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK514GBRG
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Groz Beckert 90/14 sharp point needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
100/16 Sharp Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Product ID: DBXK516GBRG
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Groz Beckert 100/16 sharp point needle for commercial embroidery machines. Box of 100.
80/12 Regular/Sharp Point Groz-Beckert Needles
Groz-Beckert: DBXK5 Titanium Coated Size 80/12 regular/sharp point (RG) SAN1. Box of 100.
Titanium Coated 70/10 Regular/Sharp Point Needles
Groz-Beckert: DBXK5 Titanium Coated Size 70/10 regular/sharp point (RG) SAN1. Box of 100. ***Good for 3D foam